Father and Son Miller Killers
Wesley Ellenwood
In ‘38, the Millers were known as the “Fence Crackers”. After ‘38, the Saints were known as “Miller Killers”.
Microfiche in Wilson Library
Wesley Ellenwood
For those of you who don’t know what microfiche is, the picture accompanying this post shows a roll on a microfiche reader with a page of news print displayed on a computer screen.
My First Film – Part Five
Wesley Ellenwood
The stalk of beams began to wave erratically. Faces of laughing boys appeared and then disappeared into the darkness. A trio, their faces lit from below to mimic grimacing pint-sized movie monsters, floated into and out of the frame. The camera wandered aimlessly through what I’d describe as a cross between a backyard Halloween party…
My First Film – Part Four
Wesley Ellenwood
My brother smiled and shouted, “Lights! Camera!” Suddenly, a bank of flashlights lit up the ground. Then he yelled, “Action!” Two-dozen beams of light began to sweep back and forth in every direction like mini searchlights at a film premiere in the forest.