My First Film – Part Three
Wesley Ellenwood
He tapped my head. “I didn’t think you could run that fast.” He turned to his older sons and said eight magic words. “You two owe your little brother an apology.”
My First Film – Part Two
Wesley Ellenwood
Two steps into the chase I could hear the ‘clump, clump, clump’ of Pan’s feet behind me.
My First Film – Part One
Wesley Ellenwood
I believe the creator of the cosmos hand picked my Mom and Dad to win the camera raffle as a consolation prize for losing so badly in the gene pool raffle with their first born and especially their second.
A Pink Pearl Eraser
Mrs. Thurston would never have made it in the cutthroat business of today’s pop culture publishing.
Summer Baseball
My summer routine as a kid was wake up, eat breakfast, then race outside to see who was out and ready to play a game of baseball.